What Is Marketing? And 7 Important Marketing Functions

Marketing is the process of promoting and selling products, services and ideas. It is often described as “the management process responsible for identifying and satisfying customer needs profitably.”

Marketing is one of many functions in a company, but it’s arguably the most important to the company’s success because it’s what brings people in.

This article will discuss 7 most important marketing functions that you should be familiar with for your own sake.

What is Marketing?

Philip Kotler states that “Marketing is a human activity directed at the satisfying needs and wants through exchange process”

Marketing is the process of creating value for a company through the creation and distribution of products or services. It is also the process of communicating with customers to build relationships that benefit both parties.

Marketing is important for businesses because it helps to communicate with customers and learn about their needs and wants. It can also help businesses to increase sales and grow their brand.

Marketing includes the planning and execution of strategies to reach target customers and promote a company’s products or services. It is a critical function for any business that wants to succeed.

Overall, marketing is a critical part of any business. It helps businesses to find and keep customers, communicate with them, and develop products that meet their needs.

7 Marketing Functions

Marketing is the process of creating value for a company through the creation and distribution of products or services. It is the function that determines what products or services will be created, how they will be priced and distributed, and what promotions will be used to sell them.

There are 7 main functions of marketing: market research, product development, pricing, packaging, promotion, distribution, and sales. Each of these functions plays an important role in the success of a marketing campaign.

  1. Market Research:
    Market research is the process of gathering information about consumers’ needs and desires. This information helps companies create products that meet consumer demand.

  2. Product Development:
    Product development is the process of creating new products or services to sell to consumers. This includes everything from researching new ideas to designing and testing prototypes.

  3. Pricing:
    Pricing is an important aspect of marketing mix. Pricing is the process of setting the price for a product or service. pricing must take into account the cost of production, shipping, and other overhead costs while still making a profit.

  4. Packaging:
    Packaging can make or break a product. It’s a key part of the marketing because packaging can help to enhance a product’s appeal, such as by using catchy colors and graphics. Packaging also helps to ensure that products are safe for consumers and easy to use.

  5. Promotion:
    Marketing is the process of promoting a product or service to consumers through media such as print, radio, and television ads. It also includes public relations efforts, sponsorships, and social networking.

  6. Distribution:
    Distribution is responsible for moving the product from its place of manufacture to the hands of the consumer. This includes transporting and warehousing products as well as getting it onto store shelves.

  7. Sales:
    A company makes its money from selling its products. The sales stage of the marketing is everything that happens after a product has been produced and is ready to be sold. This includes educate the buyer about the product, promotions, face to face selling with keeping in mind the how customer can benefit from the product and seller can gain profit.

Marketing is a critical function for any company, large or small. Without marketing, companies would have a difficult time generating sales and revenue. Marketing is also important for building brand awareness and creating customer loyalty.

Beliefs about Marketing

There are a few common beliefs about marketing that are important to understand.

The first is that marketing is all about creating awareness for a product or service. This is only partially true. While awareness is certainly important, marketing must also focus on driving sales.

The second belief is that marketing is only about advertising. Again, this is only partially true. Advertising is certainly a key part of marketing, but it is not the only thing that marketers do. Marketing must also include things like market research, product development, and customer service.

The third belief is that marketing is expensive. While marketing can be expensive, it does not have to be. There are many ways to market a product or service on a limited budget.

Overall, beliefs about marketing are important to understand. Marketing is about more than just creating awareness or advertising. It is also important to focus on driving sales and providing excellent customer service.

How Marketing Affects Society?

Marketing plays an important role in society. It affects what we buy, how we buy it, and how much we pay for it. Marketing also affects our health and the environment.

For example,

Marketing affects what food we eat. Food companies use marketing to influence what we buy. They do this by advertising their products, and by making their products available in stores. They also use marketing to influence the price of their products.

Marketing also affects our health. For example, tobacco companies use marketing to make smoking seem cool and attractive. This can influence people to start smoking, even though they know it is bad for their health.

Marketing can also influence the way people think about their health. For example, some health insurance companies use marketing to make people think that they need to buy their product in order to afford the treatment at the time of need.


Marketing is an essential function for any business, as it helps to create awareness and interest in the company’s products or services.

Marketing also plays a vital role in customer acquisition and retention, as well as in generating sales. without marketing, businesses would be unable to survive or grow.

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