19 Qualities of a Good Questionnaire

Questionnaires can be a great way to gather data from a large group of people, but they can also be time-consuming and confusing to design. In this article, we will go over some qualities of a good questionnaire, which makes them easy for your respondents to complete.

What is a Questionnaire? 

A questionnaire is a tool used to collect data from a group of people. It is usually used in survey research to collect information about a particular topic. Questionnaires can be brief or lengthy, and they can be administered in person, online, or by phone. 

There are many different types of questionnaires, and each has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Some questionnaires are more sensitive than others, and some are better at assessing complex topics. 

Questionnaires can be very useful for collecting data about a variety of subjects. They can be used to study consumer behavior, attitudes, and preferences. They can also be used to gather information about the health and well-being of people. 

Types of Questionnaires 

There are a few different types of questionnaires that can be used in research. 

  1. Closed-ended questionnaire:
    This type of questionnaire has a set number of questions, and the respondent is not allowed to write in their own responses. 
  2. Open-ended questionnaire:
    This type of questionnaire allows respondents to write in their own responses, which can make it more difficult to collect data. However, this type of questionnaire can also be more useful because it allows respondents to express their thoughts and feelings freely.
  3. Semi-open-ended questionnaire:
    This type of questionnaire has a set number of questions, but some questions are left open for respondents to answer in their own way. This can help to gather more detailed information about the respondent’s thoughts and feelings. 

Once you have decided on the type of questionnaire that will be used in your research, it is important to consider the target audience. Questionnaires can be designed specifically for either respondents or researchers. If the questionnaire is designed specifically for respondents, it may need to be shortened or simplified so that it is easy to understand. If the questionnaire is designed specifically for researchers, it may be more detailed and difficult to use. 

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire 

A good questionnaire has the following 19 qualities: 

1. Brief and Limited Questions:
A good questionnaire is brief and limited in scope. It should be easy for respondents to complete, and it should not require too much time or effort to answer. 

2. Clear and Concise Instructions:
Instructions on questionnaires should be clear and concise, so that respondents do not need to spend too much time trying to understand them. 

3. Accurately Collected Data:
Questionnaires should accurately collect data from respondents. If the questionnaire is difficult to complete, it will likely result in unreliable data. 

4. Sensitive and Compassionate:
Questionnaires should be sensitive and compassionate towards respondents. They should not ask any embarrassing or personal questions, and they should provide clear instructions on how to respond if a respondent feels uncomfortable answering a question. 

5. Time-Effective:
Questionnaires should be time-effective, which means the respondent will not take too long to complete. 

6. Relevant and Valuable Information:
Questionnaires should be relevant and valuable to respondents. They should provide information that is important to the topic at hand. 

7. Flexible and Adaptable:
Questionnaires should be flexible and adaptable, so that they can be used in a variety of different settings and circumstances. 

8. No Personal or Uncomfortable Questions:
Questionnaires should be designed with privacy concerns in mind. They should not ask any personal or embarrassing questions, and they should provide clear instructions on how to respond if a respondent feels uncomfortable answering a question. 

9. Comfortable for Respondents:
Questionnaires should be comfortable for respondents, which means that they are easy to complete and do not require a lot of effort or energy. 

10. Relatable Questions:
Questionnaires should be questions that are relevant to the target audience, which will make it easier for respondents to answer the questions. 

11. Cross Checked:
Questionnaires should be cross-checked before given to the respondents. This will help to ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable. 

12. Sensitive to Gender and Age:
Questionnaires should be sensitive to gender and age, which means that they are designed specifically for female and male respondents, as well as older and younger respondents. 

13. A Variety of Options:
Questionnaires should provide a variety of options for respondents, so that they can choose the response that is most comfortable and relevant to them. 

14. Validated:
Questionnaires should be validated, which means that the data collected from the questionnaire has been tested and found to be accurate and reliable. 

15. Suitable for Large Groups:
Questionnaires should be suitable for large groups of respondents, which will make it easier for researchers to collect data from a large group of people. 

16. Compatible with Other Forms of Data:
Questionnaires should be compatible with other forms of data, such as surveys or interviews. This will allow researchers to combine the data from different sources to create a more comprehensive picture of the target audience. 

17. Avoid Calculations:
Questionnaires should avoid calculations, which will make it easier for respondents to complete the questionnaire and less time consuming. 

18. Objective Based Questions:
Questionnaires should only ask questions that are re-altered to the objective, which will make it easier for respondents to answer the questions. 

19. Privacy Concern:
Questionnaires should not impose any pressure on respondents, and ensure to protect their privacy, so that they are comfortable answering the questions. 


Questionnaires can be an extremely efficient way to gather data. However, if they are not designed correctly, they can also be very ineffective and even dangerous.

In this article, we have outlined nineteen qualities that a good questionnaire should possess in order to be effective.

By following these guidelines, you will ensure that your questionnaire is both accurate and safe for respondents and data collection. 

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